Environment and Planning A: Situating Neogeography

I'm pleased to announce that the special issue, Situating Neogeography, co-edited with Mark Graham, has been published at Environment & Planning A (45:1, p. 3-102).  Available here.

"Enormous amounts of online and networked data are becoming part of the layers, experiences, and landscapes of place. Geographers and other social scientists have only relatively recently begun to understand this rapid expansion of user-centered, locational media. Movements in the academy in response to these phenomena have offered a series of organising labels, with different levels of specificity and layers of connotation: the geoweb, spatial/social media, user-generated content, ‘big data’, as well as volunteered geographic information (VGI) and neogeography."
  1. Situating neogeography, Matthew W Wilson and Mark Graham
  2. Neogeography and volunteered geographic information: a conversation with Michael Goodchild and Andrew Turner, facilitated by Matthew W Wilson, Mark Graham
  3. Crowdsourced cartography: mapping experience and knowledge, Martin Dodge, Rob Kitchin
  4. Situating performative neogeography: tracing, mapping, and performing “Everyone’s East Lake”, Wen Lin
  5. Neogeography and the delusion of democratisation, Mordechai (Muki) Haklay
  6. Political applications of the geoweb: citizen redistricting, Jeremy W Crampton
  7. Augmented realities and uneven geographies: exploring the geolinguistic contours of the web, Mark Graham, Matthew Zook
  8. Featured graphic: Mapping the geoweb: a geography of Twitter, Mark Graham, Monica Stephens, Scott Hale


  1. These links are pulling errors, is this edition pulled down?


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