Geography, Technology, Science

Call for Participants
Mini-Conference on Critical Geography
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Nov. 5-6, 2010

How are critical geographers enrolling science and technology studies?  What are the productive tensions and/or disabling irreducibles in practices, methodologies, and theories?  We invite geographers interested in the intersections between geography and STS to participate in a panel discussion of questions such as:
  • the interplay of physical, human, nonhuman, more-than-human geographies in the enrollment of STS within a critical geography agenda,
  • theoretical/conceptual hybridities,
  • histories/critiques of the geographical sciences from an STS perspective,
  • STS methodologies in critical geographies,
  • empirical cases exemplifying the interplay of STS and critical geography, etc.
We propose a panel discussion or roundtable format, although if a suitable number of papers are proposed, we would consider a hybrid paper/panel format.

Please contact the organizers,
Matthew Wilson and Rebecca Lave by August 13th.


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